Face Fit Testing
At Insight Workplace Health, we provide full face fit testing for your business. Through our fit2fit accredited face fit testing, our team ensures your business meets all the necessary legal requirements when your employees are working with hazardous substances.
It is a legal requirement that workers using tight fitting respiratory protective equipment (face pieces/masks) must be fit tested by a competent person.
Competence can be demonstrated by fit2fit accreditation under the fit2fit RPE fit test providers accreditation scheme. This scheme has been developed by the BSIF, together with industry stakeholders and is supported by the HSE.
What is face fit testing?
Face fit testing is a procedure used to ensure that a tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE) mask forms an effective seal on the wearer’s face. It is essential for protecting workers from hazardous substances, such as dust, fumes, or airborne contaminants.
The test involves checking that the mask fits correctly and does not leak, as an improper fit could compromise the wearer's safety.
Why is face fit testing important?
Face fit testing is critical because it ensures that respiratory protective equipment (RPE) provides an effective seal to protect the wearer from harmful substances such as dust, fumes, and airborne contaminants. Without a proper fit, the RPE may not function correctly, putting workers at risk of inhaling hazardous particles that can cause serious health issues.
Face fit testing helps verify the effectiveness of the mask, ensuring worker safety, compliance with legal regulations, and reducing the risk of long-term occupational illnesses.
Contact us to get started.
Face Fit Testing is a Legal Requirement

Here at Insight Workplace health we are fit 2 fit accredited and invest in employee health. We therefore provide the quantitative face fit testing method as it is the most accurate form of RPE fit testing.
A face fit certificate is not only a legal requirement, but it is essential to protect employee health.

Is it a legal requirement to be face fit tested?
Yes, it is a legal requirement to be face fit tested if you are required to wear tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE) at work. Regulations like the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) in the UK mandate this to ensure the RPE provides adequate protection.
Do you have to shave for a face fit test?
Yes, you must be clean-shaven where the mask seals to your face for a fit test. Facial hair can prevent a proper seal, reducing the effectiveness of the respiratory protective equipment (RPE).
How often should an employee be face fit tested?
To comply with current legislation, we recommend testing whenever there are changes to respiratory protective equipment (RPE) or personal protective equipment (PPE), significant weight fluctuations, facial injuries, major dental work, or other factors that may affect the fit. The ageing process should also be considered. Fit2Fit advises that face fit testing should be conducted at least every two years.
Explore our related services
As well as providing face fit testing for your employees, we also have a variety of related services that will benefit your business and help you to stay within legal requirements. Find out more about all the services below.
Client Testimonials
From fast turnaround times to bespoke support, businesses across a variety of industries consistently benefit from our comprehensive occupational health services. Have a look at our client testimonials to find out more.
If you want more information on our face fit testing, call our team or contact us today.